Most manufacturers of building products find it challenging to discuss prices with architects, yet this is perhaps one of the essential topics to address! In the construction industry, budgets often run into millions of dollars, and for many architects, the bottom line of any project is the budget. End of the day, both parties should be comfortable with the price point. If you, as the manufacturer, feel that you have been undercut, then your services may not be as good, and if the architects think they are paying too high a price, they may demand more than is possible to deliver.

Here are some guidelines that can help you win the trust of the architects. Follow these tips, and you will surely win many repeat orders from them!

The Right Time For Planning Your Project:

When is the best time to discuss the pricing of products and services? Most manufacturers prefer to keep prices concealed on the website, but it discussed during the initial conversation. In projects with tight budgets, the cost is always a critical factor in determining whether the Architect will use your product. During the Request for Information stage, be sure that you provide all sufficient technical background for Architect’s consideration. A brief on indicator pricing structure often provides an Architect scope to juggle the purchase budgets of other items to be sourced for the project.

Give them a Price Range:

Architects find it easier to make their decision if you offer a price range. That allows them to factor in the high-end cost, and consider the “value” proposition at the lower costing that allows for economies of scale. If the order is a larger one, you could offer a discounted price depending on the project needs. This way, the architects will be happy and so will you!

Be Consistent and Transparent:

Please do not confuse them, however, as they may decide to drop the idea of using your product altogether when faced with too many different prices. Consistency is the key. Be transparent about why you are offering a discount. If they are clear on the possibilities, they will be more likely to continue talks with you. Transparency builds trust in the relationship, and you need this customer relationship to go a long way!

Highlight the Advantages:

Make sure you point out the advantages of using your product over that of a competitor, which may be priced lower, especially about the durability and long-term sustainability. If you can highlight the value, they will know what to expect. Even if initial costs are high, if the maintenance or running costs are low, resulting in lower life-cycle costs, the client can save a substantial sum of money. Make sure that they are aware of this so that they can factor this while making their decisions.

Communicate Well:

Excellent communication is also crucial in building up a rapport with your customers, as everyone knows! If your architects have asked for a clarification, get back to them right away. In case you need to consult with your superiors, make sure that they know when they can expect to hear from you. Please do not keep them waiting, and never, ever ignore their calls. Ambiguous communication is the last thing you would do to ruin your business prospects.

Be Honest:

In case you feel that your product or pricing is not the right one for them at this point, you must let them know. Even if you lose this particular deal, the trust that they will place in, you will inevitably create a recall memory in the client’s mind at the vital juncture. Building a relationship with the architects is all about generating substantial long-term commitment. If you sell them something that does not fit their case, the chances are slim that they will opt for repeat purchase with you.

Present your Case Well:

When pitching your product, you should make a presentation that is visually appealing and helps to make your point. In many cases, architects may like to feel what your products will look like on their finished building or interior. You can always take the help of Product Rendering Services to give them a 3D render showing your product range in the backdrop of the client’s design spaces. Remember, first impressions count, so use the services of an experienced Studio that offers photo-immersive renderings for construction industries.

All said and done, be professional, maintain consistency, and keep communication lines open and transparent. You can be sure that you will get repeat orders, and the commissions will come rolling in!